2023 BCEC Annual Congregation Meeting will be held in person at Chinatown at the Josiah Quincy Elementary School auditorium (885 Washington St, Boston, MA 02111) and live-streamed to Newton Campus (218 Walnut Ave, Newton, MA 02460) on Sunday, Oct. 29, from 2-4pm. All BCEC members are encouraged to attend this important church wide annual meeting. About 300 members are required to meet quorum. If quorum is met, we will vote for the deacon nominees; budgets, and the annual meeting minutes. Beginning this Sunday, to help us with planning and setup, please RSVP and register online to attend at either location on this page. Please plan to join us!

2023年的會友年會將於10月29日(星期日)下午2至4時於華埠昆士小學禮堂(885 Washington St., Boston, MA 02111)實體舉行,並現場直播到牛頓堂(218 Walnut St., Newton, MA 02460)。我們鼓勵所有本會會友到場參加這一年一度全教會性的重要會議。今年我們合法開會的最少人數大約是300 人。當出席人數達到這個數目時,便會投票選出新執事,通過上一年度的年會會議記錄及明年的財政預算。從本週日開始,為了讓我們能有效地計劃和安排這個會議,請到 http://www.bcec.net/annualmeeting 網站登記,表示你將會在華埠或牛頓堂實體出席會議。我們懇請會友們出席這個年會。