SRC Child Sponsorship

Uganda is a small country located in East Africa. More than half of its population is under the age of 15, and 96% of the children are vulnerable to abuse in their own households, schools, and communities. This year BCEC continues to partner with World Vision to support the Minakulu, Uganda Area Development Program through child sponsorship. To sponsor a child, please apply in person in the lobby of 249 Harrison Avenue on Father’s Day (6/21) or do so online at this website anytime this month:


Boston Hope @ BCEC

As the Ebola outbreak continues to unfold in West Africa, health care facilities have been overwhelmed by the number of those in need of care. This has forced many families to become Caregivers to loved ones suffering from the disease. This year, BCEC is partnering with World Vision to prepare Ebola Caregiver Kits for communities in Sierra Leone where there remains an urgent need for supplies to help prevent the spread of the disease. Our church wide goal is to raise $11,000 to sponsor 300+ Caregiver Kits ($30 each). We will collect donations on Sundays: April 26 and May 3. We will build caregiver kits on May 17, with preparation on May 15.

SRC – World Vision Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship:on the 2 upcoming Sundays, 05/11/14 and 05/18/14, BCEC’s Social Responsibility Ministry will be hosting World Vision Child Sponsorship tables.


Without clean water, enough food or healthcare for her children, a mother is up against impossible odds. Honor mothers around the world by praying for them and sponsoring a child in need this Mother’s Day. This Mother’s Day, please prayerfully consider sponsoring a child in Minakulu, Uganda.

Please contact Sharon Yip for further details ( or

SRC 2014.05 - child sponsorship

Promotion Video:

Mother’s Day, The Hardest Job in the Hardest Places – Short Version from World Vision Church on Vimeo.