Rev. Ken Liu
Assistant Pastor (Newton English Congregation), Newton Campus
(617) 243-0100 x209
Ken was born in Lawrence, Kansas, but was raised mostly in New Jersey. Ken sensed a calling into ministry during his studies at Virginia Tech. Upon graduation in 1996 with a BS in Psychology, Ken served as a youth director at his home church and later attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 1998. During his seminary studies, Ken met Monique, a native Bostonian, and they were married in 2001. Ken’s first pastorate was at the Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (Falls Church, VA), first as a youth director and later ordained and installed as the Associate Pastor. During their ten years in Virginia, Ken and Monique had three children: Matthew, Justin, and Alisa. In 2012, the Liu family moved back to Boston to be closer to family and for Ken to serve as the Pastor of Bethany Presbyterian Church. They welcomed their youngest child, Toby, into the family in 2014.