11/9-11/11: 41st Annual Missions Conference

(Nov 9–11, 2018) THEME: Reaching the Unreached

English Track
Friday, November 9, 2018
7:30 p.m. Message (1): Rev. Rocky Chan
“Can I Serve God without Dying?” (John12:20-26)
(120 Building Dining Room)

Saturday, November 10, 2018
7:00 p.m. Message (2): Rev. Rocky Chan
“Leading from the Front” (2 Sam 11:1)
(120 Building Dining Room)

Sunday, November 11, 2018
9:15 a.m. Chinatown English Service: Rev. Rocky Chan
“Renewed Personality, Renewed Mission”(Gal 2:6-9)
9:15 a.m. Newton English Sunday School
Irene Chao: InterCP (Fellowship Hall)
11:15 a.m. Chinatown English Sunday School
Irene Chao: InterCP (JQES Cafeteria)
11:00 a.m. Newton English Service: Rev. Rocky Chan
“Renewed Personality, Renewed Mission”(Gal 2:6-9)

Rocky Chan is the Pastor of Missions at the Oversea Chinese Mission church, located in the heart of Chinatown in Manhattan, New York. As a teenager growing up in church, Rocky avoided short term missions at all costs. But the Lord is good and funny and, in the 21 years he’s been a pastor, Rocky’s gone on a total of 30+ STMs. He’s convinced a believer’s spiritual growth is held back unless he/she participates in missions. Rocky and his wife Minna enjoy talking about God, laughing at memes, and good sarcasm. Even though they’re both New Yorkers, they lived in Boston when the Red Sox won the ’04 series.

10/28: 2018 BCEC Annual Congregational Meeting

2018 BCEC Annual Congregational Meeting will be held at two sites simultaneously: the Josiah Quincy Elementary School Auditorium (885 Washington St. in Chinatown) and BCEC Newton Sanctuary, on Sunday, Oct. 28, 2pm. All BCEC members should plan to attend this important church wide annual meeting. We will be voting for new deacons, approving the budget for next year, and hearing about the progress of the church Expansion.

BCEC Churchwide Picnic

Saturday July 14, 10am-4pm, at Canonicus Camp & Conference Center located at 54 Exeter Rd, Exeter, RI 02822. All BCEC congregations are welcome to join. Please mark your calendars and consider coming to interact with different congregations and enjoy a day together. Please bring your own lunch. For those without cars, bus transportation is being planned for $10 per person. For info and RSVP, go to www.bcec.net/picnic

Vacation Bible School (Chinatown campus)

From August 13-17. Pick up a registration and invite your friend or a neighbor’s child to a fun-filled week of learning about Jesus. VBS reaches out to children entering 1st to 5th grade. They will be introduced to the Gospel and have the opportunity to put their hope and trust in Jesus. Forms are available at the Welcome Table or email Lorraine Ho (bceckids@gmail.com). Deadline: July 1

4/1 Baptism

There will be two sessions of baptism at 249 Harrison Ave sanctuary in Chinatown. First session will be at 1:45pm in English. Second session will be at 2:45pm in Cantonese/Mandarin. You are welcome to attend either or both sessions to celebrate with our brothers and sisters who will publicly affirm their faith in Jesus Christ.
